Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Kate Winslet: Yay or Nay?

Kate Winslet attended the 16th Annual Bafta/LA Cunard Britannia Awards (now, that was a mouthful) a couple of days ago in Hollywood wearing a controversial dress.

This obviously wasn't a 'safe' choice. When presented with photographs like this I sometimes wonder what the intention behind the outfit was. Do celebrities wear off-the-wall outfits purely to cause controversy and ultimately column inches or are they simply exploring their own style and pushing the boundaries?

I'm not sure the metallic finish and texture of the gown sits well with the classic (almost frumpy) shape. I love the super-wide black patent belt (a must-have for your wardrobe) but not with this dress. The belt is too 'now' to be teamed with a shape of dress that is 'not now'. It's a bit like eating ketchup with ice cream...they just don't go well together.

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